Thursday, January 6, 2011

It's a new name.

I think...a lot.  Sometimes more than I would like to, or perhaps just too much at times when I would rather be doing something else, like when I am trying to go to sleep.  Anyways, thinking is great.  Not just pondering the questions and riddles of the world, but also on a day to day basis in how we act, speak, etc.  Now, some people don't think much at all it seems , which is too bad.  God gave us the ability to think, and we should use that ability to its fullest potential but also with control.

Primarily I am thinking of Christians right now, but this can apply to a wide range of people.  Many times we can over evaluate or not consider things that need to be thought about less or more, respectively. For instance, parables.  I was listening to the radio yesterday to a program called Wretched Radio with Todd Freil.  He made a wonderful observation, that the parables generally have one meaning, or have one lesson in them.  Whenever I have studied the parables with others, many times we say, "it could be this or that" or "it could be this and that."  I'm not saying that parables are straight forward and are easy to understand, but I feel that we make them even more complex than they should be.  As for things we don't think about enough, traditions.  The things we do just because that is how we have done them.  If someone asks you why, "because that's how we've always done it." should not be the answer.  Another thing is the topics that we just don't talk about because we don't think about them.  Something that I was somewhat shut off to until last summer was understanding how non-Christan's think and feel about Christianity.  How can you help someone understand Christianity until you understand where they are at in their life.  Perhaps there is a barrier in their life that needs help to be broken down, or maybe they have questions that need to be answered.  We can't change their life, that's out of our hands, but what we can do is take away the physical, earthly things that might be getting in the way.  (I could probably do an entire post about this, so I am going to stop for now.)

Anyways, the new name.  Something that I want to do is to help people think about things that might not be thought about.  Give a different view than what might be normally be viewed.  I believe that we are always searching for the truth.  The one and only absolute truth.  We will have different ideas, but someday we will know what is the truth and what isn't.  I hope that what I write is that truth.  I don't plan to write anything without a good basic understanding of what I am writing about.  Some will be opinionated, others will just be strait up facts, and others will be life experiences.  If there is something that I write that you don't like or just want to talk about, please tell me.  As the name says, let's talk.  I want to know what you think.  If we can't physically talk, them email, write a letter, post a comment, whatever, let's communicate. 

Until my next post I bid you all adieu, and keep thinking.



  1. Good article and amazing topic. We all need to open our minds to reality and not be so close-minded when it comes to day to day life. Not only does that help us enjoy life, it helps others enjoy it as well when we are able to share. We all are prone to just seeing the flaws in awesome would it be just to take each day as one of God's creations and live it to the fullest?

  2. I like how you think Ben! I think that we to often judge others without wondering where they are at in their life at that very moment. That is why we need to always ask ourselves "What would Jesus do, how would He react in any given situation? It is at that moment that we will truly know the answer. I have wondered over the years the very same things and look forward to more of your writings. In Him, Sniff

  3. Ben! I'm so glad you commented on my blog, I'm so excited to hear your thoughts - in person you're (or at least were!) a fairly quiet person, so it'll be neat to get to know/see your heart a little more, and find out how God is moving you...yippee!

    Where're you at right now? What's going on? Excited to hear more from you!
