What? Why? What? Does it matter?
These questions are just something that have been running through my head and it's interesting to think about stuff. More specifically this is what the questions are: What is something that you want to have or to happen? Why do you want this thing or this event to happen? What is the importance, or what will be the result, of this thing or event? And following up that question, does it truly matter if you get it or it happens?
Now, since the future is ahead of me and the present is here now, it's hard to get a definite answer, but it's interesting to think about. Also, you can look back in the past and perhaps you discovered the true answers to these questions, or perhaps they are still to come.
For example: Sometimes I ask my self, as well as many other people, why did I come to the University of Arkansas? I say Cross Country, I say to go to a different place, just for fun, but honestly I don't know. When I really think about it, there wasn't anything guaranteed to happen when I came here except school and paying for it. Other than that, I didn't know anyone, I didn't know the area, I didn't know what was going to become of it. I feel that is was very important that I came here and there are still more things that are going to be uncovered as my time here goes on, but until that time comes, I know that I have changed while being in Arkansas.
So, I am curious, what are somethings that you could ask about your life? Why are you who you are today? What are somethings that you might be concerned about in the future? I would like to know. So if you would, please leave a post, send me a message on Facebook, email me, write a letter, or let me know if you want to get together. I want to understand my life and I think by seeing others it will help, if that makes sense. I hope to hear from you all!
Until next time...Peace.
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